T.V. Series :
- Cameleon : In an episode, The Cameleon is going into a small
boat and a woman wish him luck by saying "May the Force be with you".
the Cameleon doesn't know what she's talking about, and she says "You know, Obi-Wan
Kenobi ?, Star Wars ?"
- Capitain Herlock : Intensive use of the Starwars aliens
concepts in this 80's sci-fi cartoon. In the first episode, there a tatooine-like
and a particular scene reminder of Luke's arrival in Mos Espa.
- Friends : To seduce her boyfriend, Rachel (her name in the
serie) disguise as Leia Slave with the 70s Leia hair-style.
- Muppet Show : Special apperance of Luke, R2D2 and Chewbacca in
a show in the early 80s, for the ESB. Miss piggy disguise herself into Leia when she sees
that Mark Hamill is there.
- Nestor Burma (France) : In an episode called "En
garde Burma", the main character says that fencing makes him think
to D'Artagnan and Star Wars.
- Pepper Ann : In this
Disney cartoon, Milo is looking for inspiration and goes to the Mall
where Mark Hamill is signing autographs. He asks who he is and does not
recognize him.

- Sentinel : Even though I didn't noticed any explicit reference
to SW, the relationship between Sandburg and Elison (the cop) is exactly a Yoda-Luke
- Simpsons : A lot of references (see SW Insider #38). For
example, Homer says to Marge "You're as cute as princess Leia and as smart as
Yoda". In an other story when Homer recalls about the night they conceived Bart,
Homer and Marge leaves the theater where they saw the ESB and Homer says loud "I can
believe that Darth Vader is Luke's Father".
- SouthPark : In an Episode Cartman writes on his personal book
that he would like to live on Endor because "it's cool, there are trees and
Ewoks". Another reference in SouthPark Movie.
- X-Files : Some references in a few episodes. In "The
Devil's tail", a woman claims to be pregnant from Luke Skywalker and speaks about his
Movies :
- Abyss : Lindsey says about lieutenant Coffey that he is
"some kind of Darth Vader"
- Apocalypse Now : Harisson Ford has a very minor characters as
a young soldier. His name, written on his uniform is Lucas, refering to SW
- Armageddon : When they learn that will be sent to
space, Bruce
Willis and his friend talks about the SW hero they would like to be.
- Arrows of Love (TV) : Story about Cupid falling in love with a
simple mortal woman. Emily help a sick child with his dinner and tells him that the spoon
contains Vader, the evil lord of the galaxy.
- Austin Powers 2 : The movie starts with the world-famous
starwars-like scrolling. Dr Evil's sons calls him "Darth" and finally Dr Evil
reveals to Austin that he is his father, using the same voice as Vader. The movie trailer
also spoofs starwars a lot.
- Back to Future : In the first episode, Marty disguise in a
yellow nuclear suit and wake up his father at night to threat hi, so that his father would
go out with his mother. He says that he's Darth Vader coming from the Vulcan
- Beverly Hills Cop 2 : When Axel and Billy are in the dump-truck, Axel says something
like "Are your eyes open or are you using the force?"
- Beverly Hills Cop 3 :
When Axel has to jump on the ride, he goes in the line before a few
visitors and we can see Georges Lucas himself.

- Bill & Ted's xcellent
adventure : When they're in medieval England they have a play sword
fight. One says "You're not my father!".

- Boogie Nights : When
Eddie and Reed meet for the first time, Reed ask if he has seen Star
Wars. Eddie says "Yes, 4 times" and Reed ask "People says
I look like Han Solo".

- Demolition man : Before entering the museum to arrest Simon,
the police officer takes advice from his palmtop computer and Sly says "Hey Luke
Skywalker, use the Force !"
- Dogma : One of the two prophetes says to Linda
Fiorentino's character "Ok, I am Han Solo, he's Chewie and you're
Ben Kenobi".
- En plein coeur : In that French movie, there a scene where a
main girl actress in being menaced with a gun in a department store. Right behind them,
there are several of Kenner's 1995 Millenium Falcons boxes.
- E.T. : Elliott shows its new Star Wars toys to his friend. We
can see some Kenner action figures ranging from SW to ESB. Elliott shows each figure and
tells its name. There is another sequence when Elliot get away with E.T. on his
bike, they see a child disguised in Yoda for Halloween and E.T. point him with his finger.
- Evil Dead 3 : The hero has to repeat the magic formula
"Klaatu Verata Niktu" before taking the necromicon (refering to Klaatu, Barada
et Nikto, Jabba's skiff guards, these names being inspired from the code
from the old movie The Day when the earth stood still). At the end, Bruce Campbell is compared to a Jedi Knight
for his courage.
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off : The parking attendants take Cameron's dad's sports car for a joy ride. At one point, the camera is on the road and the car flies over it in slow motion (like the star destroyer opening of Star
- Fool Rush In : When Salma Hayek presents her brother called
"Chuy" to Matthew Perry, this ones says "Oh, nice to meet you, Luke
- Fifth Element : There are a lot of scenes in this movie that
looks exactly like StarWars scenes. For example, one of the firsts scenes when the mlitary
are looking the burning planet growing. Moreover, the Priest characters seems to be
Obi-Wan twin.
- Hackers : Before leaving for a mission to hack a
mainframe computer, one of the main protagonists says to his friend the
famous quote : "May the Force be with you".
- Hotshots 2 : In the final duel, the US president and Sadam
Hussein uses lightsabers, in regards to the Obi-Wan - Vader duel in StarWars. Saddam takes
Vader's voice and says "I was waiting for you Obi-War, The cycle is now
- Independence Day : Although there are no explicit links to
StarWars, some scenes looks like it, for example the inner alien mothership looks exactly
like the second death star's main reactor.
- Indiana Jones : In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the plane in which
Indy escapes is identified as OBI-3PO, referencing Obi-Wan and C3PO. In The Temple of
Doom, the nightclub's name is Obi-Wan.
- Indian in the cupboard : The children opens his cupboard where
we can see a lof toys that take life. In these toys, there is an original Kenner Darth
Vader from 1980.
- Inspecteur la bavure : In this french comic movie from 1980,
when the comic actor Coluche, begins the first pursuit with its van, we can see thru the
driver's side window, a theather displaying the ESB banner.
- Krull : This is a sci-fi fantasy set on another planet (Krull) - it has several
similarities to characters and various parts of the star wars movies,
like the army of slayers dressed like stormtroopers, Colwyn (the hero)
who uses his glaive like a lightsaber etc...
- La Balance : (French movie with Nathalie Baye, 1982) several
scenes are shot into the Homicide offices. A very first Star Wars poster is displayed on a
wall and is seen several times during the movie.
- Naked Gun : During the opening credits, we can see a police
car going everywhere. It goes in the Death Star trench, following the X-Wing to the small
2 meters wide hole.
- Nutty Professor 2 : Sherman
falls asleep watching TV and dreams about Armaggedon, where he can't
reach the red button. His father appears in a greenish light dressed as
Obi-Wan and says to him to use his force. Then sherman fart to move.

- Peut-être (France 99) : The main female character is
disguised in Leia with classic outfits for the new year eve party, including her famous
- Phantom Menace : Queen Amidala's ship is a model Nubian J-327,
which is also the hanger number where the Falcon is located into the first Death Star in
Episode 4.
- Poltergeist : The boy's bedroom is loaded with vintage
Starwars toys (Vader etc...)
- Ransom : When Mel Gibson is on the road to deliver the ransom,
his car is followed by the kidnapper, Gary Sinise, to the final meeting point, Sinise says
"The Force may be with you".
- Right to Kill : When talking about Helen (Sandra Bullock),
Harry says to Jake "Are you sure you do not want to see her resume,
Han Solo ?"
- Rust Never Sleeps : In this US documentary movie from 1979
about Neil Young's concert in San Francisco, the concert scene is prepared by small men
dressed exactly like Jawas and with glowing eyes. They prepare the scene during 10 minutes
and come by between each song to pick-up some props.
- Scream 2 : Following a cinematography lesson at the University
about sequels, the ESB is the only sequel that can be found by students, as a better movie
than the first one.
- Scream 3 : The Jedi is taken as example while discussing
about the main rules of the Trilogies. Also, Carrie Fisher stars as an
archivist for the Studios and as herself's twin, saying that she didn't
get the role for Leia because she didn't slept with Lucas.
- Serial Lover : During the credits of this French '96 movie, it
is mentionned that the "Rebels take over the Death Star with Claire" scene has
been removed.
- Seven : Brad Pitt says to Morgan Freeman about the assassin
"Because he has a library card, doesn't mean he has Yoda's brain"
- Spaceballs : The whole movie is a StarWars parody, laughting
about Darth Vader, the other main characters, the hyperspace...
- Space warrior : with Hulk Hogan. Same Star Wars-like galatic
atmosphere. The movie begins like Star Wars Episode IV.
- Spawn : The Relationship between Spawn and Angel Gabriel can
be compared to Luke-Yoda when Gabriel show Spawn how to use his powers. Spawn says
"Who are you ? Some kind of a Yoda ?"
- Taxi 2 : While driving the Japanese Ambasadors in the
Peugeot 605, Samy Naceri makes a comparison between what's happening and
each part of the Classic Trilogy.
- The Rock : When the comandos install their comand center
inside San Francisco's pier, one of them says the famous SW quote
"I have a bad feeling about this".
- Tomorrow never dies : The evil guy shows to Bond the title is
has chosen for the first page of his newspaper : "The Empire will strike back".
- Toy Story 2 : A dialogue between Vader and Luke in ESB
has been reproduced with Zorg and Buzz when Zorg tells Buzz that he's
his father.
- Transformers, the movie : A TIE Fighter sound effect is used at least once. Also, Megatron uses a light sabre
when he fights Optimus Prime.
- Wizard of speed & time :
One of the actors portraying a big movie director swings a lightsaber that
sometimes works around on his set.

- Wrongfully Accused : In this comic movie with actor Leslie
Nielsen, a young boy show to a woman her seat in the Opera, by pointing a lightsaber. In
an other scene, a metal table falls on Leslie, putting him into carbonite.
Still looking for other references with the scene
descriptions. So if you know something that isn't here, don't hesitate to send it to me to
A big THANKX to all the fans who contributed to this page ! |