"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." The now famous tale takes us
to a distant galaxy, where the evil Galactic Empire is attempting to dominate every planet
within its reach. Fighting back is Princess Leia Organa and the Rebel Alliance. Now the
Rebels face their greatest threat - the most advanced weapon the Empire has developed; the
Death Star, a huge armored space station capable of annihilating entire planets.
Hope remains, but time is precious. On a backwater planet called tatooine, Luke Skywalker
a young farm boy, is quickly discovering the ways of the Force with the help of his
mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon receiving a call from Princess Leia, Luke and Obi-Wan hire
Han Solo, captain of the Millenium Falcon, to transport them to Alderaan, Leia's
home planet. But when they reach Alderaan's location, they are quickly captured and
brought aboard the Death Star.
Amidst a sea of lightsaber battles, hair-raising escapes, warriors, droids, heroes,
villains and some of the most spectacular battles ever filmed, is a fantastic story of the
classic struggle between good and evil that bursts onto the screen with an intensity
matched only by its sequels.
the movie...
More than a technological marvel, Star Wars brought together technical and emotional
elements for an unparalleled film experience. Growing in popularity, mystique and devotion
year after year, Star Wars began as a dream and ultimately went onto become the most
successful science-fiction series in movie history.
Masterminding the effort was George Lucas, who recreated by-gone eras where heroes and
villains battled for high stakes; science-fiction tales where the fate of the universe
rested in the hands of good guys facing impossible odds; and westerns and war movies where
cavalry raids or dogfights in the skies held audiences - young and old alike - entranced
by the big screen magic.
No matter how many times you see Star Wars, the film's unique, incredibly realistic
special effects remain as spellbinding as the day they were created. Although today,
Lucas' Industrial Light & Magic routinely provides Hollywood with jaw-dropping special
effects, the magic for Star Wars was light years ahead of anything seen before. The
riveting space battles between the Rebels' X-wings and the Empire's TIE fighters were
accomplished using models "flown" in patterns based on actual wartime dogfights
and filmed with a special computer-controlled camera. Luke's landspeeder was set on a
modified automobile chassis that had wheels which were later concealed via animation and
matting techniques. The lightsabers wielded by Luke, Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader were
created by shining bright lights onto spinning rods covered with the kind of
light-reflective material used on highway traffic signs which were later enhanced with
animation. But even when you know some of its secrets, Star Wars loses none of its wonder.
Nominated for a grand total of 11 Academy Awards, George Lucas' breaktrough film swept all
technical categories - from sound to editing to Visual effects - on its way to becoming
one of the highest-grossing film of all time, and a treasured classic. Part imaginative
fantasy, part battle of good versus evil, and part space adventure... it's Star Wars.